
Analyzing data

VivoLead is designed to make it easy for you see the result of every sales event whenever you want to.
In the graphic dashboard you can see all your data from your sales events in one place. It is intuitive and easy to use – even for first-time users.
Simply log onto your VivoLead cloud account and get started.

Country visits

Find out which countries your opportunities on every sales event are coming from.

Opportunity description

See how many of your opportunities are distributors, manufactures, or retailers.

Business potential

See how much your salespersons estimate the value of the potential business.


See how many of your opportunities have signed up for your survey or newsletter.

Opportunity type

See if you are bringing in new opportunities or strengthening relations with existing opportunities.

Company size

Discover whether your opportunities come from small, midsize or large companies.

Opportunities priority

See how many opportunities need your immediate attention and how many can wait.

Want information as

Find out how many opportunities options for printed sales documentation over digital.

Urgent needs

See how many opportunities has urgent needs that requires action from you.

Product interests

See how many opportunities were interested in each product/product category.

No. of opportunities

In the top left side of the graphic dashboard, you can see how many opportunities you have.

Change the dashboard

We can change any chart on the dashboard if you want other or more data.

Filter by date

when you press ‘filter by date’, you can easily see data for one specific date or defined period.

Filter by country

Filter by country and see if opportunities from different countries have different interests.

Filter by event

You can easily find data on a specific sales event by using the ‘filter by event’ function.

Combine filters

Combine filtrations to get data on a specific single day on a specific sales event.

Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.