
Setting up mail templates

Everything you need to know setting up your email templates

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Media files

Mail templates

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Adjusting the confirmation mail template

Send a follow-up email with media files directly from the VivoLead app, answering to any product inquiries, your opportunity may have.

Log in on the VivoLead web interface and navigate to:

This template is available in 6 languages and you can use the template as is, or make changes so it fits current company standards – This is the system default standard templates you can use out of the box.

If you choose to write your own text (and not use the examples in the template), be aware that some elements in the template are fixed and cannot be edited or removed.

App users can also make changes in each mail directly in the app before sending it to opportunities.

Create custom email templates

In this section you can define the extra mail templates in any language you would need for certain customer groups or product areas.

Log in on the VivoLead web interface and navigate to:

  • to create a new template simply give the template a name
  • fill out the subject field
  • fill out the body text field
  • click save

To allow certain customer values to automatically be inserted you can use the replacement token parameters to the right.

To define what language your Custom email template is in – choose a value from the drop-down language selection list on the right side of the screen.

App users can also make changes in each mail directly in the app before sending it to opportunities.

Logo & Disclaimer

Here, you can set the footer of the emails with your company logo. If you want a banner or a disclaimer in your mail, this is also the place to do it. 


  • Press the folder icon
  • Select an image
  • Press “SAVE”

If you want a disclaimer in your confirmation email, you can write one yourself, or copy paste the example, we have made, into the ‘Disclaimer’ field.

Setting up media files

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